Jon Olsen

Vice President of Development

Born and raised in Montana, Jon Olsen, Vice President of Development for Spanish Peaks Mountain Club, has been involved with developing Spanish Peaks for nearly 20 years. He started as a consulting Project Engineer, responsible for the design and construction of all horizontal infrastructure. In 2005, he joined the in-house development team as the Director of Engineering and Construction.

In 2019,  he transitioned into his current role. He now oversees the planning and entitlement process, long term land planning, horizontal and vertical construction, engineering design, public water supply system, and environmental compliance for Spanish Peaks.  He is a licensed professional engineer with a degree from Montana State University. Jon is actively involved in the Big Sky Community, serving as a board member of the Big Sky Trails, Recreation and Parks Board, as well as the recently formed Gallatin Canyon County Water and Sewer District.